For many homeowners and their families, springtime is the time for giving a home a very thorough clean. However, many people neglect several key areas when doing spring cleaning. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks for spring cleaning your home.

Clean the furniture 

When spring cleaning, many people understand the importance of cleaning under and around furniture. However, it’s also a good idea to clean the furniture itself. Many types of furniture have removable cushions that are machine washable. As a rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to use the cold cycle on a washing machine when cleaning any upholstery on furniture. Since warm or hot water can shrink fabric, these settings may make it impossible to fit cushion covers back on a sofa or other piece of furniture.

Don’t forget the vents

When doing a spring cleaning, it’s also important to clean areas that are often neglected. For example, homes that have ducted air conditioning systems often have vents that are located on the floor. Over time, dust and dirt can fall into these vents. Whenever the vent activates, this debris can become airborne, increasing the risk of allergies and sinus issues. In addition, dirt and debris in a vent can hold moisture, increasing the risk of dangerous black mold, which can be a serious health hazard to occupants of a home.

To clean a vent inside a home, use a vacuum cleaner with a hose to reach as far inside a vent as possible. Make sure to avoid damaging the interior ductwork of a vented air conditioning system. In many cases, the ductwork of a home air conditioning system is made of a special laminate with aluminum. While not as delicate as regular tinfoil, it can still break relatively easily, which can ruin the efficiency of an air conditioning system.

Yes, you can clean the plumbing 

It’s also a good idea to consider cleaning the plumbing inside a home. While this requires a bit more work than other types of projects, it can help get rid of any strange odors or tastes in tap water.

The best way to clean the plumbing inside a home is with bleach. If you have a well with a pump, you can pour bleach down into the well while running all the faucets in your home. The bleach will be sucked up by the pump and distributed throughout your home’s plumbing. This will help kill any algae or fungal growth inside the plumbing of your home. However, it’s important to make sure you run your water for at least two hours after doing this to remove any bleach residue. When choosing a brand of bleach, make sure to select one that doesn’t have anything but pure sodium hypochlorite. Sodium hypochlorite is the chemical name for bleach, and it’s the same chemical that water treatment plants use to sanitize regular drinking water. Small levels of pure bleach are not harmful to human health, but it’s still important to make sure that a plumbing system is properly flushed prior to use.

Tackle the bathroom 

It’s also a good idea to check a home for any signs of water damage during a spring cleaning. For example, bathrooms are often home to mold and mildew caused by high humidity. Whenever a family member has a shower, the humidity levels in a bathroom increase significantly. This creates an environment that is very habitable for different types of mold and fungus. When spring cleaning, it’s important to use a cleaning product on all the walls and crevices that can kill mold spores and fungus. This will help reduce the risk of health issues in the future.

Check the attics 

During the spring cleaning season, it’s also a good idea to check attics for signs of water damage. If you see signs of water damage in an attic, it could signal that there is a problem with the roof of a home. While these types of issues can’t be resolved by homeowners on their own, they can be a useful guide for determining if you need to contact a professional.

For more information on how to resolve potential plumbing issues in a home, make sure to contact Before & After Plumbing and Drain for all your plumbing needs. With Before & After Plumbing and Drain, you’ll receive high-quality plumbing services from friendly professionals at a reasonable cost.

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